Monday, April 25, 2011

My LiveJournal

As promised, here's my LiveJournal:

The next post on here will probably be the full sourcecode to the first release of my IRC Bot, or the full client / server sourcecode of my Minecraft server(s).

Friday, April 22, 2011

Future of This Blog

Okay so I've figured out how I'm going to make this more active. I'm going to have a LiveJournal for random information, tech related mostly (unless you've been friended), and I'm going to have this blog for anything I consider to be "production quality" so finished documents (or beta), finished projects, modules, etc. The other blog however will contain /most/ code snippets I've typed up / am currently using. Expect more posts as this will keep my thoughts more organized, also expect little-no personal information and more technical posts.