Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Less Technical Post

Well to open up this lovely post my girlfriend broke up with me Wednesday. On top of that I was stood up on Thursday by my friend Amy. The movies have been rescheduled!

Anyways now that that's over and done with, Minecraft. Minecraft, if you don't know is a wonderful game where you break blocks to create stuff. I really don't know how else to put it, I would describe it as a creative dungeon horror game but I'm sure some would beg to differ. I've been playing Minecraft on my own server with usually 1-4 people for days, today actually was my first day not playing.

In other Minecraft related news, the beta starts on the 20th so I recommend purchasing it before this date as it's only 10 euros and it will be about 15 euros on the 20th. Also along with this current discounted price, right now you can buy gift codes for your friends or family which count as an alpha account! An alpha account gives you all the later updates / expansions free!

In less advertising sounding Minecraft related news, Notch (The main developer of Minecraft) is releasing a developer API. Hopefully this will let me fix all the bugs so I may have a bug-free server because it doesn't look like Notch is going to learn how to network code properly anytime soon (Over 5 security flaws I can just note off the top of my head).

Rdio is also something that's been a fairly large part of my life. It's the first of it's kind in the music streaming industry to hit Canada. I know it costs $5 a month and here in Canada we're pretty used to just downloading our music but if you have the money to spare, toss them $5 and check it out. It's a fantastic website and they're constantly adding new content, on top of this they're working on a developer API! When this API is finished I don't think there will even be a reason to not use rdio. I plan to develop and release an application using this API.

Anyways aside from that (mostly) just personal untechnical stuff. I've written POS (Point of sales) software for Midland Computer Connection, and I'm currently coding upgrades (All in Python of course). If anyone reading this can code I recommend coding POS software as it is fun and many (most) businesses need this. I'm also writing a script to install Arch Linux and format it to look similar to Mac using the Gnome desktop environment.

I hear I'm going to be put into a contracting company where I should be getting more contracts to play with. As for my security contracts my date is "before Christmas hopefully", wonderful.

Welcome to the person following my blog. I forget your name but I'm glad you find my blog interesting, apparently other people do too.

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