Wednesday, December 29, 2010

XMas and Contracts

Yes, XMas came and happened, happy holidays. I got stuff, gift cards, clothes, candy, and a cell phone. My girlfriend is back from Winnipeg, I saw my friend Amy whom I haven't seen in around 8 months and I'm sitting next to my friend McLovin whom I haven't seen in a few weeks.

Sounds like I'm looking at getting a fairly large contract or 3 within the next week or so ... it's going to be fun organizing my time around those. I had a business meeting with someone new today (teleconference -.-), it was ... interesting, he wants a mail server and maybe something else, I'm not too sure what I'm making I just know it won't be hard.

With Amy I saw the new Narnia, it wasn't bad though my friend McLovin seems to hate it with a passion. I don't really understand why, maybe it's because I only read the first book which wasn't made into a movie.

I'm gonna have to forensics wipe my laptop soon and secure it. That sucks, waste of time really, but I guess when you're doing security software it's kind of necessary. I have a few ideas as to how I'm going to secure my laptop, I'm also going to be selling the same software hopefully next week to be finished 45 days from Sunday but we'll see how that goes.

I also noticed on the 26th I had a huge spike in readers. They all went to my Wii channel pages. Did people get Wiis for XMas? Should I maybe update my Wii software? A fan already has I think I'll write something about it next post.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nerdcore and Stuff

Nerdcore hip hop seems to be a sub genre of hip hop however it's name is very misleading. It's shorthanded name is "nerdcore" however I'd argue that the genre itself is mislabeled. "core" generally insinuates that it's a derivative or "sub genre" of the sub genre hardcore however this is not the case. Nerdcore by itself is not done to the style of hardcore at all making it actually "nerd rap". Why "nerdcore" seems to be an official sub genre of hip hop because of the artist MC Frontalot. This bothers be because generally anything labeled "nerd" contains contributes from both geeks and nerds and is generally viewed as intelligent. This however does not seem to be the case for nerdcore, it's a blind following of one artist. A more correct term would be like "nerd rap" or "nerd hip hip", thereby making "nerdcore hip hop" a derivative of both hardcore and hip hop (Which is what's currently implied).

Mind you, I like nerdcore:

Antisoc - 100% Free
MC Chris - Listen to most songs online free
MC Lars - Not free (To my knowledge, don't quote me on that)

In Canada it's now illegal to modify anything you own outside of it's intended use / license. Breaking this law could result in 5-10 years in prison (Since July 1st I believe). We have a lot of rights now don't we (Honestly, what's left)?

I'm a top listener on Rdio now, of this writing I'm in 11th place.

Looks like security software's gonna happen soon, I'm excited.

I'm dating another girl now, she's really awesome, in Winnipeg for the holidays though :/.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Less Technical Post

Well to open up this lovely post my girlfriend broke up with me Wednesday. On top of that I was stood up on Thursday by my friend Amy. The movies have been rescheduled!

Anyways now that that's over and done with, Minecraft. Minecraft, if you don't know is a wonderful game where you break blocks to create stuff. I really don't know how else to put it, I would describe it as a creative dungeon horror game but I'm sure some would beg to differ. I've been playing Minecraft on my own server with usually 1-4 people for days, today actually was my first day not playing.

In other Minecraft related news, the beta starts on the 20th so I recommend purchasing it before this date as it's only 10 euros and it will be about 15 euros on the 20th. Also along with this current discounted price, right now you can buy gift codes for your friends or family which count as an alpha account! An alpha account gives you all the later updates / expansions free!

In less advertising sounding Minecraft related news, Notch (The main developer of Minecraft) is releasing a developer API. Hopefully this will let me fix all the bugs so I may have a bug-free server because it doesn't look like Notch is going to learn how to network code properly anytime soon (Over 5 security flaws I can just note off the top of my head).

Rdio is also something that's been a fairly large part of my life. It's the first of it's kind in the music streaming industry to hit Canada. I know it costs $5 a month and here in Canada we're pretty used to just downloading our music but if you have the money to spare, toss them $5 and check it out. It's a fantastic website and they're constantly adding new content, on top of this they're working on a developer API! When this API is finished I don't think there will even be a reason to not use rdio. I plan to develop and release an application using this API.

Anyways aside from that (mostly) just personal untechnical stuff. I've written POS (Point of sales) software for Midland Computer Connection, and I'm currently coding upgrades (All in Python of course). If anyone reading this can code I recommend coding POS software as it is fun and many (most) businesses need this. I'm also writing a script to install Arch Linux and format it to look similar to Mac using the Gnome desktop environment.

I hear I'm going to be put into a contracting company where I should be getting more contracts to play with. As for my security contracts my date is "before Christmas hopefully", wonderful.

Welcome to the person following my blog. I forget your name but I'm glad you find my blog interesting, apparently other people do too.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Security Software

Okay I've been negotiating some pretty large security contracts lately ($20 000+), and I've been developing some software for the local computer store here (POS software and an Arch Linux install script). I guess developing games isn't where the money is after all. I still plan on developing games, maybe after these security contracts settle down I'll develop PixelWorld or an (MMO)RPG. We'll see, I can't wait to get my security software out there I hope it changes the way people view internet security...This is designed to never be reversed or cracked on a software or a hardware level.

After I get my first large contract I hope to move out into a house. I'm currently living with my friend Brandon, his brother Michael, and his father John. In this house I'm picturing an XMas tree, an LCD TV, a NES, and Eggnog + Vodka. What more do I need?

On another note, I also plan on doing not just network security but local security as well. My securities don't just involve encryption (In fact the network based ones involve very small amounts of encryption), so that just adds to the fun. I hope some hackers stand up and offer to test out my security because I myself cannot crack it and we're gonna be getting in a university student or two to attempt.

The current estimated time is it would take 10 million computers 3 years to retrieve one month's worth of data from one client in a perfect situation. As pleasant as this is to hear I would actually beg to differ. With a linguistics expert I would estimate that with only 10 000 computers it would take 6 months to get 1 month worth of data from one client in a perfect situation (The perfect situation is important). However I plan on increasing the security to hopefully make it take something like 100 000 computers 12 months with 3 linguistics experts. And that's just the chat protocol. Expect heavier security later on, the only issue is I wouldn't want to sacrifice speed too much but I think I may have it fixed enough to actually constitute the "10 million computers 3 years" estimate.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Well Deserved Update

Well I'm actually working on another project now...It's a 2D isometric pixel social game to be written in Java. My coding team consists of my good friend Piggy...Graphics consists (at least for the alpha) of my good friend Nova. A good way to describe it (Though I'll post a FULL description in a couple weeks or so) would be Second Life meets Habbo Hotel.

My XBox360 game TBH will probably never get finished unless the 360 stays a while because I'm probably gonna push it back 6 months. Coding-wise there is honestly not much left to be done and I do plan on finishing it but it's not for certain it will land on the 360.

A little personal touch to this blog, I'm psyched to be working on this project though I dislike Java. Sadly I'll probably be doing most of my coding on Windows and due to personal issues the real work starts tomorrow. Maybe soon I'll have a Twitter with actual consistent updates because I feel like that's better than an actual blog for the little development things.

As for people requesting for my old Wii channels to be done better...I'll probably get around to that in about a month and update my posts on the popular forums.

Hope to post more often!


Friday, July 16, 2010


I'm writing a 2D Top-Down Action RPG for the XBox 360 (Maybe for Windows as well)! Feel free to check out the testing forum at This is my first non-opensource project however community contributions are still appreciated.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pho3n1x Web Browser

Due to popular demand here's the Pho3n1x Web Browser! This one has tabs :O.

Pho3n1x Web Browser

Edit: For some unknown reason Media Fire deleted the old file, re-upped.

The Pho3nix Web Browser is a web browser with built in proxy support which will modify Internet Explorer's default proxy settings regardless of restrictions. It's not entirely my code, I don't remember where I got a couple parts from but a Google search should suffice.

This program also provides an unblocked SSL proxy list and a proxy tester so have fun :).

Monday, February 22, 2010

Custom GBA, GBC, and GB Channels

I modified vba gx in the same way I modified Snes9xGX. I made it so it loads a single rom for the purpose of creating channels. It has USB support the just have to modify the "settings.xml" and change the values of "Load Method" and "Save Method" to 0 instead of 1.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Custom SNES Channels

Okay, after many hours I've modified Snes9xGX for the Wii (and I guess the GameCube too), to load just a single game. What are the advantages of this? Well now you can build your own custom SNES ROM channels that look authentic and are accessible from the Wii Menu!

I decided to take up the project because Snes9xGX I find to be a lot nicer than the Virtual Console. It also offers much more features than the Virtual Console such as the ability to re-map buttons (Useful for games like Super Mario World where the buttons are mapped in such a manner it's awkward to play with the Game Cube controller), save-states, and a few other features. Overall, it's nicer to use.

So just in case anyone was interested I re-mapped the buttons for Super Mario World U and made an NTSC-U channel for anyone who's interested. If you are interested please comment and I will make more wads and upgrade the code so others can use it (Right now it need to be re-compiled for each new game but I believe I could fix that). Also if you're interested in the source code I would be happy to upload it here for you to download, until then here's Super Mario World U for an NTSC-U console (This will NOT replace any current Super Mario World installed)!


It has USB support the just have to modify the "settings.xml" and change the values of "Load Method" and "Save Method" to 0 instead of 1.


Due to a good response I'll be posting more WADs here (I want to go for 5 a week so please request): SNES GX (Wii) Games